
Sweet vs. Sexy: What You Need to Know About Writing Both

In the world of romance, “sweet” has a very specific connation. A “sweet romance” is one where the bedroom door remains firmly closed so that the reader cannot see inside. Readers who prefer characters who don’t have sex before marriage choose these books, but so do those who are fine with the sex so longContinue Reading “Sweet vs. Sexy: What You Need to Know About Writing Both”


Sex Education: Why is it the best netflix series if you want to educate yourself about sex?

The dawn of TV series has been upon us for some time now. No longer are movies the only medium for well-written content. They have become a platform for major studios to launch their metaverses, franchises, and whatnot. Although some might be sad that mid-budget dramas and indie titles are no longer in major theaters,Continue Reading “Sex Education: Why is it the best netflix series if you want to educate yourself about sex?”


What’s Better Than a Butt Plug? A Vibrating One

It’s no secret that lots of people love anal play. And what better way to enjoy your body safely than by using butt plugs? However, there’s so much more to anal sex toys than rectal stretching. Our article aims to introduce you to vibrating butt plugs and help you discover a brand-new world of possibilities.Continue Reading “What’s Better Than a Butt Plug? A Vibrating One”


How to Use Anal Hooks with Love Balls

Intimate conversations between men are not uncommon, but many women also reveal themselves to their girlfriends and discuss one or the other topic in the field of sexuality. At the same time, love toys have been increasingly and more frequently discussed for many years. Especially the love balls enjoy in the women’s world of ever-increasingContinue Reading “How to Use Anal Hooks with Love Balls”